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He now lives in and embraces Canada with his husband, and a lot of gay Canadians would love to embrace him. He is a versatile star, giving and taking like a champ. Quite a feat considering he just got started in porn in 2016. At 8.5”, and known for bareback daddy scenes, it’s no wonder he won gay performer of the year in 2017. Īlex comes from Utah, and is married to fellow porn star Carter Dane. Alex Mecum image source: men.comĮDITOR’S CHOICE – JOIN BEST GAY SITES TODAY. It’s almost unbelievable how much dick this little guy can take. In addition to having a huge dick, his tiny ass loves to see exactly how huge he can take them.

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As a matter of fact, he’s huge, so that probably makes him some sort of porn anomaly. Don’t think because he’s that short that he isn’t packing a huge dick, though, because he is definitely not lacking in the department of dick. Oh, the best part? He’s a little spinner that only stands 4’11. Armond has been doing porn for eight years, and is a muscle bound bottom. Armond used to date fellow porn star Adam Russo, but they broke it off citing major differences in personality as the reason. He was in the Navy, so he definitely knows how to serve his country.

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FULL HD, NO ADS ★Īrmond Rizzo is a latino from Chicago whose claim to fame is taking the biggest of big dicks. ★ EDITOR’S CHOICE – JOIN PORNHUB GAY TODAY. 22 Austin Wolf Hottest Gay Pornstars: Armond Rizzo image source: image source:

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